Friday 9 February 2018

Self branding project week 2

For the continuation of the presentation, the development was to look at how your branding can be evolved to become 3 'products'. With the criticism feedback of my initial presentation it was clear that I wanted to focus on the idea of my pattern covering things, whilst also changing the presentation for detail such as the images being bigger.With coming up with the concepts for the products, the first thought was to make a pack of stickers of which would be of illustrations to do with myself, that would look like a pattern and become my business card, that could also be stuck around, a way of which to get my patterns in peoples lives. However, after feedback, it was said to be to too small for the outcome and that instead I need to think bigger, looking at how to wrap things up in pattern, looking at the Ikea campaign for inspiration. Wrapping things up was the main concept for all products, taking the popular trend of journaling, I wanted to wrap my possessions which could be used for journaling and take a picture of the set up. Whilst wrapping these objects with my pattern, I got the idea of having my business card be wrapped, so creating a cover for the card that would have my pattern on it. With this idea, it would create a portfolio of patterns of which I have created, emphasising the idea of having my pattern everywhere. With wanting to be involved in people's lives, it seemed appropriate to create wrapping paper, as then my designs can be involved with the process of gift giving, a special moment. With focusing on wrapping things in my pattern, the idea of wrapping my desk with the pattern I made came about, as it would make an interesting visual that is more of an interesting concept. It also would be interesting to show when talking about where I would like to work, as it is my space of work now. The covering of my desk gave me the idea of having a photo of all the products made on the desk to have a last image for the presentation which would sum up the branding well as well as creating an interesting visual. With the outcomes to present, the presentation was altered to have no text when explaining the images and instead keeping the images large. Also, when talking about my inspirations the slides show the face behind the artwork and showing an example of where I would like to work, not just explaining it. The presentation remains using the handwritten text and using the whit background to keep the simplicity and focus on the pattern shown throughout.

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