Monday 14 January 2019

Story telling... Presenting yourself and presenting your ideas

Story telling... Presenting yourself and presenting your ideas 

When creating a presentation-

content - ensure to talk about the 'head stuff' who am I, what do I do, how I do it... & talk about the 'heart stuff' whats important to me, what I do that nobody else does etc...


'Bones' of a presentation
How many useful parts are there, useful to tell audience what is expected at beginning of presentation

Power of three
overall structure - think how traditional stories are structured

Introduce something at the top of your presentation then return to it at the end

when planning a presentation..

What is your presentation about
Why is this important to you
What difference do you hope you will make by delivering this presentation
How ambitious

What will you need to carry this out successfully
Who is going to do what and when
How many different parts will the presentation have - how will it be structured?

What might go wrong with this plan
What have you not considered
How will you know you are on schedule

Delivering a presentation 

Speed - Having awareness of how fast we tend to speak
Volume - Sometimes we cannot be heard so we should project our voices
Emphasis - If we don't emphasise any words we can come across monotone
Using pauses - using a pause instead of words like 'umm' makes it easier for audiences to process information
Awareness of unconscious habits 
Gesture - do our hands and arms compliment what is coming out of our mouth
Eye contact - Useful to make eye contact slightly longer than normal
Positioning/awareness - what is an appropriate distance
Dress/clothing - It may be worth acknowledging that the way we dress will contribute towards other peoples perception of us


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