Monday 25 February 2019

Poppy Almond answers

Due to not being able to arrange a time suitable to meet Poppy, questions were asked over email.

Hey Izzy,

Hope these are okay!

How did you find your personal style?
I just draw what I like and in a style I like. I love pink and doodling objects so it kind of just happened from there.

How do you balance the ratio of work to life?
​When I started freelancing I found this quite difficult. I was working from home and got distracted very easily. I have recently got a studio at Duke Studios and this has definitely helped to give me structure and stopped me getting so distracted. It can also get a bit lonely working from home so its so nice to be surrounded by other creatives at Duke.

When you get stressed from work what do you do to take a break?
I usually go for a walk or sit and doodle or read in a coffee shop. I also love socialising and going to the pub which always relieves stress.

How did you find the transition from education to becoming a professional?
As soon as I finished my degree I started my full time in house job at Skinnydip. It all felt very quick and manic but I am glad I had the opportunity to work straight after uni. Although University is very different to working professionally I had already done an internship at Skinnydip so I felt a bit more comfortable when I started full time.

How do you try to overcome the problem of loneliness which might occur when being freelance?
When I was working at home it could get lonely. I just ensured that I had plans for the evenings so that I could see people or I would break my day up with a walk or a coffee with my boyfriend. He is a musician so is also usually home during the day which helps. I have just moved into Duke studios so I rarely feel lonely now!

What has been your biggest challenge thus far in you career?
I think pricing my work and knowing my work has been the biggest challenge and is still something I struggle with now. Its really difficult to know how much you should be charging and to ensure you're not underselling yourself.

Whats your advice to a designer starting a freelance career in the industry today?
Work hard, be nice to people and take every opportunity that you can. 


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