Monday 18 February 2019

Presentation and content making

 The group logo for the workshop, which Holly created, was chosen to represent a brain and a lightbulb, due to the iconography it holds with the content of ideation. Both elements were combined together, and were drawn to represent the experimental side to the workshop. 

With having the initial branding guideline colours of ; yellow, pink, grey and a darker hue of pink, the 1st mockup poster primarily uses the yellow. In the following posters, layout was experimented with, the colour, size of type, removing the logo, content and the change of the logo. With continual development of the posters it was clear that the logo just wasn't working, with members of the group saying that it reminds them of chicken nuggets or just that the logo just doesn't work. 

With the continual change of colour that the whole group was discussing, the final colour of which we decided to go with was pink and darker pink with the use of a dark grey also.

With some of the group leaving, we had another group discussion to show what we all had thus far, with feedback that none of us think the pink was working and the logo doesn't work. To try and solve these problems, we decided that the logotype of which we had created would work better as the logo and then we could have an illustration such as the past logo instead. Also, we decided that perhaps going down the route of using the colour orange and amber and yellow may work better due to resembling traffic lights to highlight how the workshop is a starting point before university and also these colours have positive connotations. From the feedback, we decided as a group to use the new colours and logo to create some more variations, of which would hopefully represent the workshop more effectively. 

After a group discussion it was decided that the collateral just wasn't working, with having an orange poster and yellow social media which wasn't selling the idea well. So with the group not being happy with what we had, we then decided again that the colour palette should be changed to yellow throughout to represent the playfulness and experimental side to the workshop. With having the final colour palette decided, myself and Selina gathered what we had and decided what we wanted to keep and incorporate to be the final poster and leaflet design. 

For the final poster design we decided to go more minimal with the use of a question that would engage and grab the foundation students attention. With the time constraints for the leaflets, we decided to go for a simple layout, instead of the flap designs we originally discussed. The brain/lightbulb illustration was used for the front to gage interest and the information was on the back. 

The problems found when creating the posters was the continual input and opinions from the group, which made it hard to create a final outcome. With being a large group there was a lot of different opinions which made it hard to decided on an outcome, as displayed with the amount of times we changed to colours. Also, we had problems with some people in the group not pulling their weight and not helping when needed, with having done their role decided that they didn't need to help, which slowed down the process.

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