Tuesday 12 March 2019

Creative report production concept

With the designers of whom answered my questions, Amy and Poppy, the common links of which they both apart from being freelance, is they run their own shops. Within their shops they sell products such as stickers, art prints and most importantly greetings cards. Amy also works for Ohh Deer, a company which are known for their greeting cards. With this in mind, it seemed suitable to have the production of the creative report be a pack of greeting cards. The cards would feature all the content needed, with having the question and both answers on one card. To showcase the designers style and use of illustration in their practice, it was decided to illustrate for the front of the cards, with choosing a main point of the answer to illustrate. With their being 8 questions, it was decided that 4 cards would be illustrated in Poppy's style and 4 in Amy's. To make sure to incorporate the important information with introducing the designers and my response to the answers, two extra cards were added to solely have this information in.

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