Tuesday 12 March 2019

Creative report development

Due to my chosen designers being illustrative in their practice and often using sketches as the basis of their designs, it was chosen that to reflect their style I would illustrate for the front of the cards. With the responses, i chose the key point and illustrated this answer. The illustrations were drawn and then digitally drawn over and placed and used colours of which represented the designer. The illustrations were drawn in 'my style' to not try and re create their practice and instead highlight the two designers work. The type used for the title and names has been hand written to display how both designers have a hand drawn playful style within their work.

With the production of the creative report being greetings cards, it was decided that to bind the cards a bellyband would be used. With having the title of the creative report being freelance? due to the report asking freelance related questions due to it being an important question in my practice, the size was experimented with for the bellyband. It was decided that the smaller title worked better.  

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