Tuesday 12 March 2019

what I want to talk about in my presentation

what I'm gonna talk about in my presentation....

from first year, I produced work that I wasn't happy with, didn't really enjoy and I felt thrown into the deep end in so many occasions but I have developed as a designer with starting my own etsy in summer and carrying my interests and myself as a designer through in level 5
the project I have enjoyed the most has been the making of the app, with the solving of the problem allowing to create an exciting project, I enjoyed learning about ux and ui and how to design effectively for it, even if it is on sausage rolls, now I'm known as the one who did a project based on Greggs sausage rolls
the project that I didn't really enjoy was the publication, with being out of my comfort zone with print and binding methods - with learning that I'm not very good at easy tasks such as cutting straight even though I'm a graphic design student

but with the projects this year I have facilitated my interests more and the designer that I want to be, with being illustrative and designing in a more playful way, choosing projects that fit my professional ambitions, whilst also enjoying different aspects such as creating logos and business cards

Throughout my time at university i haven't been very confident with my work or my abilities and selling myself as a designer which a concern that I have, another concern is not knowing what route specifically I want to go down after uni

learnt that I work better by myself, quite an individual learner
see myself as a freelancer - as not wanting to be in a big studio - daunting
the creative report has made me realise that before going freelance I should gain some experience in house, with alex stating that It gives invaluable experience in terms of....
with this knowledge I would like to have an internship in the summer with Skinny Dip before level 6 so I gain more knowledge with how to design for industry and products and may help my concern on not knowing what I would like to do after uni and explore the professional ambition of designing and patterns and 'cute' illustrations
I would like to push myself out of my comfort zone .....

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