Sunday 15 October 2017

Balloon project- week 1


In this project, we started off by writing down the answers to the 4 questions:
What was your first negative thought today?
What is your current biggest fear? 
What scares you the most? &
How do you de stress?

With the answers of these questions, we then chose 3 of which 'spoke' to us the most to create our haiku. They were: embarrassing myself, that my mental health will crash again and not having enough time. We brainstormed ideas and came up with an idea of which would combine all three lines into one final outcome. Our idea was to use balloons being popped, which would symbolise mental health deteriorating, with the use of the poem and materials in the balloons that would 'fly out' when popped which symbolises all the thoughts and feelings being let out. To represent embarrassment we would then use red and pink colours for the balloons, and to represent time we would experiment with slow motion and quicker video methods, when popping the balloons. 


With our idea of popping balloons, we used :
google-eyes to enhance the sense of embarrassment, as though all eyes are on you
red and pink balloons predominantly to portray the sense of embarrassment and blushing
materials that would create a mess, being a visual metaphor for the decline of someones mental health 
phrases on the balloons themselves and also on pieces of paper that we filled the balloons with
different filming processes to relate to the idea of time 


With editing the videos, we experimented with trimming down the videos to play with the idea of time and the effect of bouncing back and forth. We decided against any music or sound in the video as we wanted the visual to be the main focus and for the audience to be engaged in the words themselves.



The feedback we got from the final video was:

-There was a clear narrative
-The broken up text broke up the video down and left time to think
-There is a clever contrast of the bright colours used and the deeper subject
-The glitter is a juxtaposition of mental health and it not being glamorous
-The clip with the inflation of the balloon is like a panic attack and effective as just that one piece
-Sound would develop our idea further

After looking at other groups work, my favourite three were :


From watching the groups videos, it was Clear that the slower gif videos worked best, and the ones that had diegetic noise in the video and took the brief and made an outcome that wasn't just a picture of video.

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