Sunday 11 February 2018

Final Presentation crit

The presentation of the self branding project didn't go very well, with the presenting being a hard task because of the anxiousness of public speaking. The information needed to say in order to convey the branding effectively wasn't said because of it being a hard task for myself. The body language of the presentation as a consequence wasn't very good, with looking at the laptop, not confidently 'selling' the brand concept to the audience, making the atmosphere uneasy. The presentation itself was successful in portraying the concept, with the development from the idea to the outcome shown effectively. The deliverables made in response to the branding effectively showed the core values of the brand and reflected the description well, however I could have been more ambitious with the approach. 

The feedback from the presentation was:

do the pattern more on purpose
have pattern from the start of the presentation
make the pattern more personalised by making it by myself
perhaps take the idea of doing a pattern everyday - showing routine 
choose a more bold approach 
could be seen in shops
could have been more daring and experimental 
didn't want something that can be seen for Paperchase 
wrap things that aren't meant to be wrapped
no research behind it 

The feedback in general to everyone was :

images bigger
more imagery to show the story
creating humour is successful and not taking yourself too seriously
use of products in real life situations
own the idea more, which makes the audience believe in your idea more

I agree with most of the feedback, as the presentation should have had pattern throughout looking back at it, with the title page especially could have had some illustrations on which would have tied the concept throughout. Also, the deliverables could have been more daring, with the outcomes connecting with the branding, however being a more practical and comfortable approach to which suited my personality, but however should have experimented more to stray away from the comfortable approach. Also, the pattern in hinseight should have been more personal, of which would have connected the audience to myself as a person more, with the idea of creating illustrations about myself for stickers as a deliverable, an idea that should have been developed further. However, within the feedback I don't agree with the statement ' I didn't want something that can be seen for Paperchase' as yes I should have been more ambitious with the approach, however my personality and ambition is to have pattern on items of which people will own and having my designs everywhere, so Paperchase would and does suit the branding. 

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