Tuesday 19 March 2019

End of module evaluation

Overall, the module has been very beneficial for my professional practice, especially with the creative report. The module has allowed me to network, with the creative report being an opportunity to connect with designers of whom I'm interested in and break down the barriers with gaining valuable knowledge from industry professionals. The module has also allowed me to work in a group environment, with thinking in depth to how to run an exhibition and how to effectively sell this idea.
With creating a presentation about myself, it has made me reflect as a designer, with thinking about what I like doing and what I don't, to the work of which has really interested me, which has helped in thinking about the future of my creative practice. Through this module I have further learnt that I work better by myself, with working in a group environment not something of which I can excel in, yet has still gained my valuable skills.

The main taking from this module Is the knowledge of which I have gained due to speaking to designers for my creative report, with the answers really helping with my freelance base questions and concerns. Talking to the designers has made me re think becoming freelance straight away and instead I would like to take on an in house designer job beforehand.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Find and seek

Find and Seek is a pop up shop that features work made by Leeds Arts University students. The shop was interesting to visit with seeing all the talent and different types of work on display. The pop up shop featured so much good work and it would be good to have this be a continual event due to it helping students promote themselves and also the uni. I would 100% like to be a part of this if it happened again. 

Final creative report

Tuesday 12 March 2019

what I want to talk about in my presentation

what I'm gonna talk about in my presentation....

from first year, I produced work that I wasn't happy with, didn't really enjoy and I felt thrown into the deep end in so many occasions but I have developed as a designer with starting my own etsy in summer and carrying my interests and myself as a designer through in level 5
the project I have enjoyed the most has been the making of the app, with the solving of the problem allowing to create an exciting project, I enjoyed learning about ux and ui and how to design effectively for it, even if it is on sausage rolls, now I'm known as the one who did a project based on Greggs sausage rolls
the project that I didn't really enjoy was the publication, with being out of my comfort zone with print and binding methods - with learning that I'm not very good at easy tasks such as cutting straight even though I'm a graphic design student

but with the projects this year I have facilitated my interests more and the designer that I want to be, with being illustrative and designing in a more playful way, choosing projects that fit my professional ambitions, whilst also enjoying different aspects such as creating logos and business cards

Throughout my time at university i haven't been very confident with my work or my abilities and selling myself as a designer which a concern that I have, another concern is not knowing what route specifically I want to go down after uni

learnt that I work better by myself, quite an individual learner
see myself as a freelancer - as not wanting to be in a big studio - daunting
the creative report has made me realise that before going freelance I should gain some experience in house, with alex stating that It gives invaluable experience in terms of....
with this knowledge I would like to have an internship in the summer with Skinny Dip before level 6 so I gain more knowledge with how to design for industry and products and may help my concern on not knowing what I would like to do after uni and explore the professional ambition of designing and patterns and 'cute' illustrations
I would like to push myself out of my comfort zone .....

Creative report development

Due to my chosen designers being illustrative in their practice and often using sketches as the basis of their designs, it was chosen that to reflect their style I would illustrate for the front of the cards. With the responses, i chose the key point and illustrated this answer. The illustrations were drawn and then digitally drawn over and placed and used colours of which represented the designer. The illustrations were drawn in 'my style' to not try and re create their practice and instead highlight the two designers work. The type used for the title and names has been hand written to display how both designers have a hand drawn playful style within their work.

With the production of the creative report being greetings cards, it was decided that to bind the cards a bellyband would be used. With having the title of the creative report being freelance? due to the report asking freelance related questions due to it being an important question in my practice, the size was experimented with for the bellyband. It was decided that the smaller title worked better.  

Creative report production concept

With the designers of whom answered my questions, Amy and Poppy, the common links of which they both apart from being freelance, is they run their own shops. Within their shops they sell products such as stickers, art prints and most importantly greetings cards. Amy also works for Ohh Deer, a company which are known for their greeting cards. With this in mind, it seemed suitable to have the production of the creative report be a pack of greeting cards. The cards would feature all the content needed, with having the question and both answers on one card. To showcase the designers style and use of illustration in their practice, it was decided to illustrate for the front of the cards, with choosing a main point of the answer to illustrate. With their being 8 questions, it was decided that 4 cards would be illustrated in Poppy's style and 4 in Amy's. To make sure to incorporate the important information with introducing the designers and my response to the answers, two extra cards were added to solely have this information in.

Monday 11 March 2019